How A2 Desi Cow Bilona Ghee Is Different From Regular Ghee || Pasutam

How A2 Desi Cow Bilona Ghee Is Different From Regular Ghee || Pasutam

A2 Cow Desi Bilona Ghee Vs Normal Ghee

Today, most of the people buy ghee from the store, the price of which starts from Rs 500 per liter. It is made by heating the cream of milk.

But it has often been seen that people making general pure ghee do not provide all the information related to ghee to their customers. For example, whether hormonal injections have been used while making ghee, what is the lifestyle of cows? , after taking milk are they sent to the slaughterhouse? Etc.

Sometimes, some people also adulterate pure ghee to earn more profit. Such people add additives like color and flavor of ghee to preserve the color and taste of ghee.

Pure A2 Ghee is made in small batches in cowsheds and farms. No additives are added to pure A2 Ghee, nor are hormonal injections given to A2 cows.

The biggest feature of A2 Pure Bilona Ghee is that how A2 Ghee is made, what is given to the cows to eat, the method of making A2 Ghee and the living conditions of the cows etc. are also told to the customers.

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